Tuesday, November 5, 2013

All You Need to Know About Bacteria

Note: Did not label for some stupid reason before taking the picture, so bear with me.

- salmon coloured space in the middle: CYTOPLASM = contains content
- the dots in the cytoplasm: RIBOSOMES = make protein
- salmon coloured sticks poking out: PILI = exchanges genetic material
- first layer: CAPSULE
- second layer: CALL WALL
- third layer: PLASMA MEMBRANE
- bean looking thing in the middle: ENDOSPORE = used for survival of bacteria
- swirly thing: DNA
- tail: FLAGELLUM = used for movement

Bacteria comes in three shapes:

- a spiral: SPIRILLUM 
- a circle: COCCUS       
 - a rod: BACILLUM       

There are two arrangements:

- clumped together: STAPHLO
- in a chain: STREPTO             

This is an example of: Staphlococcus

This is an example of: Spirillum

This is an example of: Streptobacillum

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