Monday, September 16, 2013

Classification Project

Bottlenose dolphin (Tursiop truncatus)

 -Kingdom = Animalia
 -Phylum = Chordata
 -Class = Mammalia
 -Order = Cetacea
 -Genus = Tursiop 
 -Species = truncatus

Giraffe (Giraffa camelopardalis)

 -Kingdom = Animalia
 -Phylum = Chordata
 -Class = Mammalia
 -Order = Artiodactylia
 -Family = Giraffidae
 -Genus = Giraffa
 -Species = camelopardalis

Camel (Camelus bactrianus)

 -Kingdom = Animalia
 -Phylum = Chordata
 -Class = Mammalia
 -Order = Artiodactyla
 -Family = Camelidae
 -Genus = Camelus
 -Species = bactrianus

Lion (Panthera leo)

 -Kingdom = Animalia
 -Phylum = Chordata
 -Class = Mammalia
 -Order = Carnivora
 -Family = Felidae
 -Genus = Panthera
 -Species = leo

Domestic Cat (Felis catus)

 -Kingdom = Animalia
 -Phylum = Chordata
 -Class = Mammalia
 -Order = Carnivora
 -Family = Felidae
 -Genus = Felis
 -Species = catus

I learned that all these animals are in the same kingdom, phylus, and class. The differences begin in the order in which they belong. However, a lion and a domestic house cat have extreme similarities and remain the same up until their genus classifications. Also, a camel and a giraffe are in the same order. My question is: how are house cats and lions almost the same in classification yet look completely different in size and appearance?!

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