Thursday, December 12, 2013



  •  feed in several ways
  • predation on corals, absorbing dissolved organic chemicals, filtering food particles out of water, getting nutrients from algae with their cells
  • depend mostly on absorbing dissolved nutrients uses tentacles to capture food
  • tentacles have rows of cilia whose beating creates currents that flow towards the mouth


  • there are no respiratory organs and cells layers absorb oxygen and expel carbon dioxide into the water


  • they lack a circulatory system because they do not need one
  • canal like cavity in they bodies for ingestion, digestion
  • gas is eliminated by diffusion
  • solid waste is dissolved 
Response/ Movement:

  • muscle surrounding cavity relaxes and contracts, causing it to move back and forth
  • as water moves in one direction, it moves in opposite way

  • sexual and asexual
  • assexually with diffusion
  • sexually with the ova and sperm being released from the gonads and gastroderms

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